Welcome to the Freebooter’s Network
The Freebooter’s Network presents a lineup of completely awesome podcasts covering the whole of geek culture. Selections include miniature wargaming, boardgaming, comic books, movies and history. This is your one stop shop for all things Geek…
Recent Episodes

Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 48: Fake It Til We Make It
Welcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 48. In this episode we try to be welcoming to any new listeners but fail miserably, Lathan runs late and Dave “accidently” forgets to turn on his mic, and Dev Skypes in only to run into more technical difficulties. Then, we try...

40K Radio Episode 69: Kill Team
We are joined by the man behind Geek Nation Tours and the Freebooters Network Teras Cassidy. We talk about everything happening at GNT and then dive into Kill Team. Which factions will the hosts be creating Kill Teams for? Tune in to find out!

Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 47: It’s About Damn Time!
Welcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 47. In this time twisted episode, we invite some variants to sit in for some of our missing crew, Mario returns and gets a whisky named after him, and Dev Skypes in only for us to find out exactly how he feels about using the...

40K Radio – Episode 68: Oops All Dragons
In this episode, we discuss the new Orks, Kill Team, and GW's shift to making all their models handsome.

Masters of the Forge: Altar of War – Episode 23: Robot Roll Call
Dave hauls out the new Adeptus Mechanicus codex vs. Adam’s Dread Mob. Masters of the Forge Geek Nation Tours Be sure to let us know what missions you'd like us to try next! Email: mastersoftheforge@gmail.com Twitter: @mastersofforge Facebook:...