Anonymous Tabletop – Episode 16: The Most Dangerous Game (of Thrones)

Welcome to Anonymous Tabletop Episode 16.

In this episode we once again speak directly to a listener, Dave does some pandering for some Facebook love, and in his absence, we decide to blame Tim for absolutely everything.

We also share our predictions for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones, find Dave knows way too much about the sex life of beetles, and Joe cuts the discussion short to run off to a completely different kind of throne room.

We then talk more Game of Thrones when we reveal our most memorable deaths scenes from the show, Joe tries to kill Future Dave, and Lathan gets confused and starts rambling on about black knights and coconuts.

And last but not least, Geeky Jean plays dress up, we find out the hard way that dinosaurs and dragons don’t mix, and we reach into Tim’s Severed Sack and find a huge cast of characters in there. Who knew it was so roomy?

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