The Freebooter’s Network is proud to announce that the long running After Ullanor podcast has become the latest member of the network. This is a re-post of the original episode one of After Ullanor:
Well folks, here it is! Our long overdue discussion of the first book in the Horus Heresy Series, Horus Rising!
The format is a bit loose this time as we are still finding our groove, as it were, for pacing and coverage and whatnot. Anyway, we cover quite a bit, from the characters to the plot to the themes we saw reoccurring throughout the story. We hope you enjoy and we invite you to leave us feedback!
You can contact us with feedback at the following places:
Leave us an iTunes review! (We love those.)
Reach us on twitter! (David) @garagehammer (Greg) @ChildOfFang and also @AfterUllanor
Reach us by email! (David) (Greg) or you can use our general email
Finally, you are more than welcome to be a part of the conversation on the forums at
Thanks for listening and we will talk to you in about a month.
The Emperor Protects!
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